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RS Issue 972
I was flipping through the April issue of Rolling Stone because of the cover sub-title, "The Immortals - The 100 Greatest Artists of All Time." I like it when a magazine does a listing of some sort, particularly this type because they usually confirm my belief that The Beatles are the greatest band ever. Regardless, I was checking it out and came upon a great illustration of Joni Mitchell by Gerard DuBois. I immediately thought that this would be great to show here.

Joni Mitchell

I then happily saw an illustration of Black Sabbath by Tim Bower.

Black Sabbath

Both pictures being eerily great. I knew at some point I would get to see some cool picture of Trent Reznor and expected some dark monstrosity, but instead I see this pissed off looking guy in front of serene Monet like background. Regardless, this illustration by N.Vetri was still a very good painting.

Trent Reznor

I'll keep these up until RS tells me to take them down...oh and, the article of Matthews being jealous of Radiohead's ability to create a good album was great but has nothing to do with this site. Later...
posted by Michael | 5/03/2005 08:32:00 PM |

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