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Veronica Mars takes on cyber haunts
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Beginning our countdown until Halloween (113 days to go...), yet another Japanese horror remake will grace the silver screen this summer when Pulse opens in theaters tomorrow. This film follows a group of friends who, while investigating their friend's suicide, discover a computer disk that shows haunting footage of people engaging in solitary behavior in their apartments -- a discovery that's followed by more deaths and disappearances within the group. The movie features 'Veronica Mars' star Kristen Bell, singer/songwriter Christina Milian and 'Lost' regular Ian Somerhalder, and is a remake of the celebrated Kairo, a 2001 Japanese film written and directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Watch the trailer here and don't forget to log onto HoustonHaunts.com to give us your own personal review.
posted by Brandon | 7/10/2006 11:05:00 AM |
With your description of the movie and then the photo...I am if nothing else, very curious to see this movie. Good stuff bro!
posted by Blogger Michael | 7/10/2006 10:40:00 PM  
The movie comes out August 11.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 7/29/2006 01:37:00 PM  

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