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Welcome Part II
Now I can say welcome and mean it...so...Welcome (and I mean it) to the new houstonhaunts.com layout.
posted by Michael | 2/18/2005 11:56:00 PM | 0 comments
As of right now, this particular update cannot be seen. Think of it as a ghost that has yet to make his appearance felt. Last year, we attempted to put forth a nice "looking" site, something neat to see...but alas, we believe this is not what you were looking for. This season, we are unveiling a new layout, something that can be updated faster and something that can evolve easier. We even plan on letting you guys see it come together! Catch you cats on the flip-flop...
posted by Michael | 2/18/2005 11:09:00 PM | 0 comments
- Emails and newsletters...
- Disney's Nightmare
- 50 Reasons to Scream
- Eyewitness: Lizard Man in Texas
- Who ya gonna call?
- Ding! Dong! The witch is...pardoned?
- Veronica Mars takes on cyber haunts
- Local club tracks ghosts
- Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- UFO spotted above Galleria
Jeff Davis Hospital
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