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50 Reasons to Scream
For no other reason than to laugh at some of the more far-fetched plots of the cinema's first horror films, I decided to purchase 50 Horror Classics from Barnes & Noble's Web site the other day to find it is actually a pretty nice collection to possess. On 12 DVDs of pure (if not sometimes funny) horror, I have to admit the collection is worth every single penny I paid for the set. From Metropolis to The House on Haunted Hill (the original) to Creature from the Haunted Sea, the set makes for great viewing for a Halloween party or anytime you want a little vintage entertainment. Side note, if you have never seen Nosferatu, the silent original Dracula film--watch it, late at night (the later the better), and in the pitch black darkness of your living room. Its frightening--and there isn't even a creepy musical score!!! HoustonHaunts.com rating: 4 out of 4 stars
posted by Brandon | 7/21/2006 05:44:00 AM |

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