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JDH passes test of time
  After spending some time down on UH's campus, we decided to stop by the Jefferson Davis Hospital and take some pictures with our new Canon Power Shot SD400 (Digital Elph) camera. The progress at the JDH site is amazing. The fence is down and we were able to walk up to the structure. Of course we were stopped and asked not to go inside, I assured them that we were innocent. While they weren't looking though, I pressed my face up against the glass to see the interior. Oh what a rebel I am.   Anyways, I'm not a big fan of this type of architecture, but I am finding this building to be attractive. Maybe it is because every time I see this building, it is like seeing time reverse itself. I've said several times how we like imagining what this building looked like when it was first constructed. It is not often that we see our imaginations realized on such a grand scale. Sadly (for you ghost hunters) The building no longer seems threatening, but (happily) it is now finding itself in an aura of glory. Truth be told, I'd like to live there. I'm a starving artist...maybe I qualify. Click on the pictures above to see some more recent pictures. Has any one else seen the new JDH?
posted by Michael | 8/11/2005 07:15:00 PM |

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