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R.I.P. Astroworld
We just got news that Astroworld will be sold at the end of the year after a 37 year reign as Houston's main theme park. Obviously this means this is your last chance to check out Fright Fest. I feel a bit sad, but then I remember how many times people cut in line in front of me. Then there was the one time when we almost got into fight over it. Oh well, no more violence, rest in peace Astroworld.
posted by Michael | 9/12/2005 08:45:00 PM |
I've ever been there. my bro asked me twice, but i had to work. Now they're gonna close it. i feel sad too. I wont miss my last chance this Hallowen.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 9/12/2005 09:30:00 PM  
How dare they tear down a 37 yr old relic like A-world!!! Off with their heads, n add that to the Halloween repertoire!!!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 9/14/2005 03:35:00 PM  
I cant belive there going to cloes astroworld is almost to sad to be true. It was the best park in houston tx and now its going to be gone. Its so sad to think about and just to think i just started to like it in may of 2005 and planed on buying a season pass for 2006.I guess ill have to find something eles to do with my summer .
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 9/15/2005 06:42:00 AM  

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