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Freddy's Nightmares
I never knew Freddy was a TV star. Regardless, AOL has decided to re-air the short lived (only 2 short seasons worth) show on their web site. Check it out here.
posted by Michael | 3/22/2006 04:50:00 PM | 0 comments
Akkad killed in terrorist attack
Not sure if anyone else knew this, as we just barely found out this morning, but Moustapha Akkad, the father of the Halloween franchise (You know, Michael...Michael Myers..."The man with the white mask who walks around stalking babysitters," as Drew Barrymore so eloquently put it in Scream) died in a terrorist attack last year in Jordan during a hotel bombing. Brutal! It happened in September; I am surprised no one else announced this before hand. But, wanted to let you know, one of our favorite franchises will return sometime this year in (working title) Halloween: Retribution. Rumor has it John Carpenter will return to produce the series. Cue the creepy music.
posted by Brandon | 3/06/2006 08:39:00 AM | 0 comments
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