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Emails and newsletters...
So, while we were working on the site and planning on letting you guys know that we are going to have a reoccuring newsletter come out, we noticed that our form based email system was sending your emails to our bulk folders (that we never check). So, if you have sent us an email in the last few months, it is likely that we never saw it. You are now forgiven for all those bad things you said about us when we didn't reply to you! So, send us another email and let us know what's up. Ps...we plan to have a reoccuring newsletter, so sign up now!
posted by Michael | 8/09/2006 08:02:00 PM | 0 comments
- Emails and newsletters...
- Disney's Nightmare
- 50 Reasons to Scream
- Eyewitness: Lizard Man in Texas
- Who ya gonna call?
- Ding! Dong! The witch is...pardoned?
- Veronica Mars takes on cyber haunts
- Local club tracks ghosts
- Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- UFO spotted above Galleria
Jeff Davis Hospital
news archives
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