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Emails and newsletters...
So, while we were working on the site and planning on letting you guys know that we are going to have a reoccuring newsletter come out, we noticed that our form based email system was sending your emails to our bulk folders (that we never check). So, if you have sent us an email in the last few months, it is likely that we never saw it. You are now forgiven for all those bad things you said about us when we didn't reply to you! So, send us another email and let us know what's up. Ps...we plan to have a reoccuring newsletter, so sign up now!
posted by Michael | 8/09/2006 08:02:00 PM | 0 comments
Disney's Nightmare
I am not sure about the rest of you, readers, but I have really been looking forward to Halloween season since learning Disney will re-release Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas in select theaters in October. How could anyone not like this movie? It was so dark for a Disney movie, with plenty of comedy. I watch it every year like clockwork, much like folks would watch "A Christmas Story" or "It's A Wonderful Life" during the winter holidays. Anyone want to stage a huge HoustonHaunts.com get-together to watch the movie opening night? Leave a comment, and keep your eyes peeled for details.
posted by Brandon | 7/31/2006 11:11:00 AM | 0 comments
50 Reasons to Scream
For no other reason than to laugh at some of the more far-fetched plots of the cinema's first horror films, I decided to purchase 50 Horror Classics from Barnes & Noble's Web site the other day to find it is actually a pretty nice collection to possess. On 12 DVDs of pure (if not sometimes funny) horror, I have to admit the collection is worth every single penny I paid for the set. From Metropolis to The House on Haunted Hill (the original) to Creature from the Haunted Sea, the set makes for great viewing for a Halloween party or anytime you want a little vintage entertainment. Side note, if you have never seen Nosferatu, the silent original Dracula film--watch it, late at night (the later the better), and in the pitch black darkness of your living room. Its frightening--and there isn't even a creepy musical score!!! HoustonHaunts.com rating: 4 out of 4 stars
posted by Brandon | 7/21/2006 05:44:00 AM | 0 comments
Eyewitness: Lizard Man in Texas
Taken from the vast pages of About.com comes the story of a 13 year-old boy who spotted a "lizard man" in Texas last month while hunting. Could this be simply the imagination of a young man, or the real thing? Read on:

My grandpa had taken us hunting up near Big Springs in west Texas. We rode our jeep up the side of the mountain, when suddenly, two families of quail! My grandpa was still teaching my two younger brothers to hunt, so they went with him to follow one family, and I followed the other all by myself. I strode up the mountain, and I carried with me only my shotgun and a bag full of shells. I scratched my foot on a very large rock. I howled in pain, and looked down to see the cut. I tended to my wound for a few minutes. I heard ducks nearby, and I knew that there had to be a pond to wash my cut. I headed toward the sound. I stepped on a twig and six ducks flew off away from the pond. I figured the sound I made had scared them off, so I kept walking there. I was at the shore splashing water on my leg when I heard a splashing sound. I looked up and saw a man leaning over, drinking from the pond. It only took me a few seconds to realize that this was no ordinary man. This man had scales and a lizards head! I was petrified – I couldn't move a muscle. I stood there watching the deformity drink, when all of a sudden I saw it jerk its head up. It eyed me for what seemed like hours. It jumped in the water and started to swim toward me. All I could do was shoot at it. I shot three shells, and then I heard the dreaded click. I ran and ran and ran. I met up with my grandpa, and he didn't believe me. Would you blame him?

posted by Brandon | 7/13/2006 08:16:00 AM | 0 comments
Who ya gonna call?
For those of you who have yet to select a Halloween costume for this year, might we suggest a definately vintage experience and consider going as a Ghostbuster. The Ghostbusters Prop Archive is a sleek geek Web site devoted to the classic films, featuring a closer look at the props used in the movie. The Web site is so serious about the props, visitors have even posted their own instructions for building everything from a replica proton pack, to a ghost trap to the famed ambulance turned Ghostmobile seen in both Ghostbusters films. While the details are plenty and apparently very tedious to follow, those diehard fans and DIY types will enjoy the challenge of going to that very cool Halloween shindig you keep hearing about while decked out in a pretty badass costume.
posted by Brandon | 7/12/2006 11:38:00 AM | 0 comments
- Emails and newsletters...
- Disney's Nightmare
- 50 Reasons to Scream
- Eyewitness: Lizard Man in Texas
- Who ya gonna call?
- Ding! Dong! The witch is...pardoned?
- Veronica Mars takes on cyber haunts
- Local club tracks ghosts
- Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- UFO spotted above Galleria
Jeff Davis Hospital
news archives
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