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New life in the after life?
The Chronicle did a story today about the Jeff Davis Hospital. Apparently we are going get a first hand look at the renovation of the old hospital sometime in October. We'll be looking forward to that.

The Chronicle Story
Our page about the JDH
posted by Michael | 5/20/2005 03:00:00 PM | 0 comments
Hello everybody, we have a new member at HoustonHaunts.com. Her name is Misbah and she will be bringing you extra news and reviews from time to time. Her first review is over the movie, "The Amityville Horror." Yes, I know the movie came out quite a while back, but we've had some procrastination issues to deal with. Hey, maybe you can check it out at the dollar theaters?
posted by Michael | 5/18/2005 03:17:00 PM | 0 comments
Today is Friday the 13th. If I remember right, I asked my first girlfriend to "go out" with me on Friday the 13th. That didn't last long. Some would say we broke up quickly because your first "love" doesn't last long, then there are those that would say it was something else. They would say that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. What do I think? I think she was a little strange since she tried to start an anti-Michael club in high school. Maybe I was little strange since I thought asking her to be my girlfriend on Friday the 13th was cool. Anyways, here are some links you might be interested in if you are a little strange...muhhahah.

Friday the 13th Link 1
Friday the 13th Link 2
Friday the 13th Link 3
Friday the 13th Link 4
posted by Michael | 5/13/2005 12:35:00 AM | 0 comments
RS Issue 972
I was flipping through the April issue of Rolling Stone because of the cover sub-title, "The Immortals - The 100 Greatest Artists of All Time." I like it when a magazine does a listing of some sort, particularly this type because they usually confirm my belief that The Beatles are the greatest band ever. Regardless, I was checking it out and came upon a great illustration of Joni Mitchell by Gerard DuBois. I immediately thought that this would be great to show here.

Joni Mitchell

I then happily saw an illustration of Black Sabbath by Tim Bower.

Black Sabbath

Both pictures being eerily great. I knew at some point I would get to see some cool picture of Trent Reznor and expected some dark monstrosity, but instead I see this pissed off looking guy in front of serene Monet like background. Regardless, this illustration by N.Vetri was still a very good painting.

Trent Reznor

I'll keep these up until RS tells me to take them down...oh and, the article of Matthews being jealous of Radiohead's ability to create a good album was great but has nothing to do with this site. Later...
posted by Michael | 5/03/2005 08:32:00 PM | 0 comments
Gizooglin' da Haunts
Have you visited Gizoogle.com yet? Pretty funny. Here is a poster parody of the movie, "The Ring."

This site is rated for mature audiences only...
posted by Michael | 5/01/2005 08:54:00 AM | 0 comments
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