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Disease, death and darkness: The Horror of Hurricane Katrina
When Category 4 Katrina slammed into Louisiana on Monday, and hit Mississippi and Alabama as a Category 3 storm hours later, no one knew just what to expect. As the storms cleared, it was apparent the country had suffered one of the worst natural disasters in modern history. Houston Haunts sends our condolences to the families and people affected by this monstrous disaster and urge everyone to contribute to the cause of helping some of our own in need. www.redcross.org
posted by Brandon | 8/31/2005 03:42:00 PM | 0 comments
How to become a screamin' screen legend
For anyone who has ever dreamed of one day becoming immortalized on film in a total gore fest or perhaps creatively creepy flick, you might just find your chance here: We recommend visiting (quite often) the Houston Film Commission, and subsequently, the Texas Film Commission's websites. They are updated frequently with information on casting and crew needs for films shooting in Houston and around the state and are great ways to get exposure in the horror biz. Last week, the thirteenth entry in the straight-to-home video 'Witchcraft' horror series began shooting in Houston. According to an e-mail from director Mel House, the good stuff (a.k.a. "the blood and gore") doesn't start shooting until September 16. On Horrorwatch.com, Tripod Films' Shaun Fox, producer of WITCHCRAFT 13: BLOOD OF THE CHOSEN, said via message board that the film is expected to be released in 2006 by Vista Street Entertainment. "We believe that along with the usual sex and drama that comes with a Witchcraft film, we have raised the bar a bit and will deliver something more than expected," Fox said. "The horror content is a lot more and the director, Mel House, is a huge fan of the series and horror films in general." In addition, although not in Houston, Michael Bay is about to begin a TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE prequel to begin shooting in October in Austin. But, before you send in that headshot, read this: Bay only needs professional crew at this time. Nonetheless, visit often, search carefully and you might just find your big brake, ladies and gents. Visit their websites at http://filmhouston.texaswebhost.com/, and http://www.governor.state.tx.us/divisions/film/hotline and we might see you one day soon on the silver screen. That's a wrap!
posted by Brandon | 8/30/2005 01:28:00 PM | 0 comments
Screaming to the world
...or at least to Houston. The news is out that Screamworld has started their advertising campaign with the buzzing of radio commercial broadcasts. The first sign of an approaching Halloween season.
posted by Michael | 8/29/2005 11:07:00 PM | 0 comments
Do you believe in the Chupacabra? We ran across this article the other day on Netscape's site. Yep, we admit it is pretty old news, but we thought we would share anyways. Here is one of the pics that went along with the story...why does this remind me of a cartoon character?
posted by Michael | 8/28/2005 11:53:00 PM | 3 comments
JDH passes test of time
  After spending some time down on UH's campus, we decided to stop by the Jefferson Davis Hospital and take some pictures with our new Canon Power Shot SD400 (Digital Elph) camera. The progress at the JDH site is amazing. The fence is down and we were able to walk up to the structure. Of course we were stopped and asked not to go inside, I assured them that we were innocent. While they weren't looking though, I pressed my face up against the glass to see the interior. Oh what a rebel I am.   Anyways, I'm not a big fan of this type of architecture, but I am finding this building to be attractive. Maybe it is because every time I see this building, it is like seeing time reverse itself. I've said several times how we like imagining what this building looked like when it was first constructed. It is not often that we see our imaginations realized on such a grand scale. Sadly (for you ghost hunters) The building no longer seems threatening, but (happily) it is now finding itself in an aura of glory. Truth be told, I'd like to live there. I'm a starving artist...maybe I qualify. Click on the pictures above to see some more recent pictures. Has any one else seen the new JDH?
posted by Michael | 8/11/2005 07:15:00 PM | 0 comments
the haunted trails
The Haunted Trails are the first out of the gate to get their section updated. You can see their section here. They are also sporting a pretty cool new website.
posted by Michael | 8/08/2005 10:33:00 PM | 0 comments
Giving (some of) the power to the people
We here at Houstonhaunts.com thought it would be good if you were able to comment about our posts (even tho they have been a bit limited). So, *POOF* it was done.
posted by Michael | 8/07/2005 11:04:00 PM | 1 comments
- Emails and newsletters...
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- 50 Reasons to Scream
- Eyewitness: Lizard Man in Texas
- Who ya gonna call?
- Ding! Dong! The witch is...pardoned?
- Veronica Mars takes on cyber haunts
- Local club tracks ghosts
- Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- UFO spotted above Galleria
Jeff Davis Hospital
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