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Houston & Rita - it's not you, it's me
Well, our relationship with Hurricane Rita was short lived. I stayed up until about 1am Friday night to watch some very powerful wind, fell asleep and didn't wake until 9am the next morning. Sad to see that nothing woke me from my slumber. There was plenty of tree debris litered on most of the streets, but in all honesty, I have experienced worse thunderstorms than this. I went to our FM 1960 perch one last time for a follow up photo. FM 1960 - Saturday, Sep 24, 9:15am FM 1960 - Saturday, Sep 24, 9:15am As you can see, nothing big to show. Through this experience I've thought about one hitting us in the future. I can't say first hand what those out on our highways experienced, but I'm afraid it may convince some who shouldn't stay put, to ride out the next hurricane. Good luck to those coming home, we'll be here waiting. HH
posted by Michael | 9/25/2005 11:19:00 AM |
Have you ever wanted to be a reporter? When I look at these pictures, I think you might be good at it.
Were you disappointed when there is "nothing big to show"?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 9/25/2005 01:31:00 PM  
Hello anonymous,

Could you tell from my words that we were slightly disappointed that we had nothing to show? Though, deep down we feel like it is better that we came up with nothing. Though, anybody who has ever been down 1960 knows seeing virtually nothing on this street is rather something...may I say spooky? =)
posted by Blogger Michael | 9/25/2005 03:41:00 PM  

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