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Keeping up with the joneses
Candy corn flavored Jones SodaWhat is the one candy that makes you think about Halloween? For many, it is those little white, red and yellow striped candies known as candy corn. I can't stand them, but regardless, they have become so engraved into our concept of Halloween that the Jones Soda Company has done something we consider cool but frightening. They went and made themselves a candy corn concoction. At first glance, I felt the urge to barf and gulp one down all at the same time (I am a sucker for new original drinks to drink). I prepared myself a cup with ice and popped open one these shot-sized sodas. What did it taste like? Kind of like maple syrup. And the color? I was hoping they some how magically packaged the soda so that the liquid would seperate out into 3 color bands after pouring, but alas, it was only a single rich yellow color. I can't help but think that kids would profess to love this stuff just because of it's great novelty. Heck, I profess to like the stuff because it's a great novelty, but my taste buds would argue otherwise. HH Almost forgot, apparently you can only find this stuff at Target.
posted by Michael | 9/20/2005 12:06:00 AM |

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