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Get ready Houston, they're here!
Stephen KingThis is a big weekend coming up for haunted houses in Houston! The Carnage, Castle of Doom, The Haunted Trails, Phobia, The Sanitarium, and Screamworld all kick off the rain-delayed season this Friday, September 30th. Nightmare on the Bayou opens its doors on Saturday, and on Sunday, we get to see the debut of a new haunt...The Mansion. By the way, if you haven't seen their website, you should. In other news, apparently Stephen King doesn't like Halloween. Who would have figured? We wonder what would happen if King channeled all of that dark creativity into a haunted house. We don't know about you guys, but we would shell out 30 clams or more to venture in.
posted by Michael | 9/28/2005 10:20:00 PM |

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