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Confessions from the HoustonHaunts.com staff...
What treachery! We were out of town for business during the premier weekend for Houston's haunted houses, thus, we have nothing to report back to you. Of course, if any of you would like to, we invite you to leave an informative review about the weekend (see below on how to comment). How to comment When you choose to comment, a window will pop up and there will be 3 choices under "Choose an Identity." 1. If you have a blogger.com account, you can sign in here. 2. If you choose "Other" then you have the ability to leave your name and your web page if you have one...this is the recommended choice. 3. Choosing "Anonymous" allows you to post, uh, anonymously. Other confessions... ...We realized we had not updated the calendars on The Carnage and Nightmare on the Bayou pages. That situation has now been resolved. ...We love baseball and would like to congratulate the Astros on winning the NL Wild Card. Go 'Stros!
posted by Michael | 10/02/2005 08:12:00 PM |
What happened to the forums?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/03/2005 01:09:00 PM  
nevermind, I found it.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/03/2005 01:11:00 PM  
Has anyone been to The Mansion yet? If so, how was it?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/03/2005 04:43:00 PM  
the mansion sucked. It's not scary or challenging and definitly not worth the time and money
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/09/2005 04:53:00 PM  
Is The Carnage scary? What do you guyz recommend the Mansion or the Carnage?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/11/2005 03:51:00 PM  
I recomend neither Carnage was Garbage. There were only about 8 people inside of the once used to be vans skate park. not scary the only thing scary is the price.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/13/2005 09:53:00 AM  
If you want a scary Haunted House go to PHOBIA on 290. They have 4 houses plus the woods and a concession stand. They know how to scare p[eople instead of just saying ahhhh like (scream world).
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/13/2005 09:56:00 AM  
If anybody believes that scream world was the number one scary haunted house in houston last year 2004 im sorry to tell you that they were wrong. THE TRUTH: PHOBIA 290 HAS BEEN THE #1 SCARIEST haunted house in for 8 years until last year when PHOBIA was cheated out of #1. The houston press had told Phobia that they were going to go to their haunted houses and rate them as they were every other haunted house attraction well they never came the guy said that he just forgot to go to our but he went to scream world and all the other places well to make a long story short he did come to PHOBIA after he posted in the houston chronicle that Scream world was the #1 haunted house in houston what kind of crap is that 8 yrs straight PHOBIA has been the best why not last yr. because its a conspiracy.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/13/2005 10:03:00 AM  
nightmare on the bayou sucks so bad first of all i had to pay 22 dollars then when we steped in i heard so much cursing and was told to go home by a few workers at a point i saw some one from management screaming at the workers they had alot of empty spots we were rushed with a group of people we did not know most of the costumes were really chessy nothing but skull face paints.the only good thing about nightmare on the bayou was the tunnel they gave us some crappy 3d glasses the last scare was so annoying finally i had to give the glasses back which i didnt and the flyers were false advertisement saying there were 4 haunts which there were only 2 one inside and one outside i could write a book on how dissapointed i was in conclusion if you really want your moneys worth dont go! you will be happy you didnt.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/17/2005 07:05:00 PM  
I went to nightmare on the bayou and it was lame. The workers weren't even trying. Everyone is painted with black and white colors. The haunted house cost to much money.Screamworld has 3 haunted houses for 18$. The shity nightmare on the bayou is 22$ for only 2. Fuck that.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/17/2005 07:10:00 PM  
Screamworld is better than nightmare on the bayou!!!!!!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/17/2005 07:11:00 PM  
Fuck nightmare on the bayou!!! hell yeah screamworld
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/17/2005 07:13:00 PM  
Does ANYONE agree that screamworld was the best?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/26/2005 10:07:00 AM  
of course not, we've all been.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/26/2005 12:13:00 PM  
nightmare on the bayou wasnt all that scary. went with a group of girlfriends and the workers actually asked us for our numbers. are there any serious haunted houses out there that's actually scary and dont hit on girls?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/29/2005 10:08:00 PM  
My friends and I went to Screamworld a couple nights ago. It was fun, and I got startled, but I was hoping to get so scared that piss came out of me. Eventhough they let you in with however many people you came with, we ended up running into the group that was ahead of us, which definitely ruined the end of the whole thing. I wasn't too impressed, and the drive out there and the price didn't really seem to justify it's "scariness." I guess I could say it was fun, but not incredibly scary.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous | 10/30/2005 06:28:00 PM  

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