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WWE Champs and cell phones
It looks like we are only going to get one chance to meet somebody famous this season. Since we are not wrestling fans, we actually don't know how famous this person actually is. Judging by the fact that he was a champion at some point (and from Houston), we figure he is at least well known in some circles. WWE Champ Booker T is going to make an appearance over at ScreamWorld this Friday night (October 7) from 8 to 9 pm. At 6 foot 3 and 250 pounds, this guy is more SmackDown monster than man! Yea! Sorry, the WWE got a hold of me. Thought we would also let you know that we updated the cell phone version of our site. You can find it on your cell by typing in: http://cell.houstonhaunts.com into the address line of your cell phone's website browser. Our cell site is for those times when you are hanging out with your friends and one haunted house is just not enough...look at the cell site "on the fly" and find another house to go to.
posted by Michael | 10/04/2005 08:12:00 PM |

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